Power to X

Power to X - conversion of energy. Power to X (PtX) is a key component in ensuring green, efficient, and secure energy supply. The technology is available already, and we are now facing an expected substantial upscaling of the market. In this new market, we offer legal assistance from experts who are in a unique situation to understand the legal challenges associated with Power to X and have extensive regulatory insight in the field of energy and supply.

Power to X - conversion of energy. Power to X (PtX) is a key component in ensuring green, efficient, and secure energy supply. The technology is available already, and we are now facing an expected substantial upscaling of the market. In this new market, we offer legal assistance from experts who are in a unique situation to understand the legal challenges associated with Power to X and have extensive regulatory insight in the field of energy and supply.

Energy must be ready for change - and so must the advisors

Legal advice in the field of Power to X requires a willingness to enter unknown territory. In collaboration with the client, we develop solutions to the regulatory challenges and design tailored contracts that meet the challenges brought about by the energy transition, relevant specifically to each individual project. In addition, future Power to X infrastructure projects will continually change in character and focus during project planning and construction. This requires a special focus on flexibility, also in the legal solutions offered.

What is Power to X?

Power to X covers a number of technologies that are based on electricity (power) being used for the production of something else (X). The key technology of Power to X is electrolysis, where electricity is used for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be used directly or converted further into other hydrogen-based products. By a reaction with nitrogen, for example, hydrogen can be converted into ammonia or, by a reaction with carbon, into methanol. The latter process can also take place as part of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU). Furthermore, hydrogen can be used as fuel for road transport or in the industrial sector, ammonia can be used as fuel for vessels and fertiliser, and methanol can be used as aviation fuel. In addition, the surplus heat from the electrolysis can be used for district heating.

Where electricity from renewable energy sources is used, such as wind power or solar energy, the production of hydrogen via electrolysis will be carbon neutral.

The PtX technology can thereby contribute to the green transition by replacing fossil fuels in the industries where it has turned out to be almost impossible or very expensive to convert to electrification, for example in the shipping or aviation industries.

Unique expert advice on Power to X

We are a unique team of legal experts with many years of experience in the utility sector, environment and planning, EU and State aid, infrastructure, contracts and works projects, as well as complex transactions and contracts in the field of renewable energy. We are therefore able to assist with advice on all legal aspects in the field of Power to X and in the field of energy in general. Examples of areas of legal advice include:

  • PtX projects in a wide sense, including business structures, ownership agreements, environmental regulation and land expansion
  • Complex contracts
  • EU and State aid issues
  • Tariffs
  • Environment and planning
  • The EU CO2 certificate system
  • Documentation and reporting in connection with the EU Taxonomy Regulation etc.
  • Interpretation and application of regulation on Power to X, including the Renewable Energy Directive 2023 (RED III)

New political agreement in 2022 on the PtX strategy for Denmark

On 15 March 2022, a broad political majority adopted a new political agreement on Power to X, establishing a strategy for Denmark’s promotion of the production of hydrogen and green fuels. The PtX strategy is to contribute, among other things, to achieving the objectives of the Danish Climate Act and to ensure the regulatory framework and the infrastructure necessary to strengthen Denmark’s position in the field of renewable energy and for Power to X to operate under market conditions over time. There is already a large market-driven potential, so now it is a question of making ends meet, including in the regulatory area.

One of the main points of the agreement is for Denmark to have 4-6 GW electrolysis capacity by 2030, which, among other things, requires a significant expansion of renewable energy sources.

For more information, read our news article about the political agreement on the PtX strategy for Denmark (in Danish).