about us

Terms of Business and Duty of Disclosure

1. Scope of the Terms of Business

1.1 These Terms of Business apply to all assignments performed by Poul Schmith on behalf of our clients unless otherwise agreed with us in writing for the specific assignment.

1.2 These Terms of Business are derogated from in respect of the assignments performed by us as ”Kammeradvokat” (legal advisor to the Danish Government) on behalf of State institutions etc. pursuant to our agreement with the Danish Ministry of Finance. We refer in this respect to www.poulschmith.com.

2. Attorneys and other legal staff

2.1 All attorneys at Poul Schmith are admitted to practise law by Civilstyrelsen in Denmark and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society (Advokatsamfundet).

2.2 We also employ (junior) commercial law consultants who provide services to our clients on equal terms with our attorneys and assistant attorneys in all matters except appearance before the courts.

2.3 See our partners and legal personnel at www.poulschmith.com under “People”.

3. Performance of the assignment

3.1 Poul Schmith will define the scope of the assignment in cooperation with the client. An assignment may include one or more legal services for the same client or for several clients.

3.2 Poul Schmith, including partners and legal staff, will perform the assignment in accordance with the codes of conduct and ethics for attorneys laid down in the provisions of the Danish Administration of Justice Act (retsplejeloven) and in accordance with the Codes of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

3.3 Poul Schmith always aims to provide the highest standard of legal service to our clients. It means that we handle all matters with the required professional expertise, that all matters are handled by a competent attorney in charge of the matter who is responsible for the day-to-day work in collaboration with an experienced matter partner who, among other things, supervises the matter and that we also handle the matter for the client in accordance with the client's requirements and expectations. It also means that it is possible for the client to have a complaint concerning the matter handling resolved in our internal complaints system.

3.4 Poul Schmith will return the original case documents to the client after completion of the matter, and our own documents are kept on record for at least five years.

4. Fees, etc.

4.1 Poul Schmith determines the fee on the basis of an overall assessment, including the use of resources, the time spent, the special expertise used, whether the assignment was carried out within very tight time limits or outside normal hours of business, the liability involved in the matter, the size of the subject matter, the importance of the matter to the client and the results achieved. We may ask the client to pay a deposit on our fee.

4.2 In addition to the fee, the client is required to pay any costs and expenses incurred by us in the performance of the assignment, including but not limited to duties and charges, travel and subsistence expenses and certain copying and delivery expenses. Whether the amount will be disbursed by us on behalf of the client, or we will ask for prepayment of the amount, will depend on the size of the amount.

4.3 The terms of payment are net 21 days from the date of invoice. In case of late payment, we will charge interest in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Interest Act (renteloven).

4.4 Upon request, the client may receive a fee estimate before we start work on an assignment if this is possible considering the nature of the assignment. In consumer matters we will always inform the client about our fees before starting work on an assignment.

4.5 Poul Schmith will manage all client funds in accordance with the regulations of the Danish Bar and Law Society. Any interest on the client account will thus accrue to the client and, likewise, we will recover interest charges on the client account from the client in the case of negative interest. Amounts held in client accounts are subject to the general cap of EUR 100,000 laid down in the Danish Depositor and Investor Guarantee Act (lov om en indskyder- og investorgarantiordning) in the event of the financial breakdown of the account-holding bank. The cap applies to the total deposit in the bank in question. If the client holds other deposits in the bank than the funds deposited in the client account, the cap will thus apply to all deposits in total. Poul Schmith is not liable for the deposits in client accounts if a bank defaults.

5. Confidentiality, impartiality, insider trading and anti-money laundering compliance

5.1 All partners and employees at Poul Schmith are under a duty of confidentiality in relation to unauthorised persons with respect to the contents and nature of the matters handled by our firm and with respect to information in general from the client and about the client, unless the information in question, in the given circumstances, is not of a confidential nature. We have set up specific security procedures to protect sensitive and confidential material.

5.2 Poul Schmith has set up specific rules and procedures for the purpose of avoiding conflicts of interest on receipt of a matter and for the purpose of handling any conflicts of interest that might arise during the course of the matter.

5.3 Everyone at Poul Schmith is subject to the prohibition on insider trading as stipulated in the Danish Securities Trading Act (værdipapirhandelsloven). Poul Schmith and our partners and employees have a duty not to abuse any information obtained in connection with our work. We have set up internal procedures to prevent insider trading.

5.4 Everyone at Poul Schmith is subject to the provisions of the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. To comply with these provisions, we are required, among other things, to collect and store information to verify the identity of the client and information about the ownership and control structure of the client to verify the identities of the beneficial owners if the client is a legal person.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1 Poul Schmith is liable in damages in accordance with the general rules of Danish law subject to the exceptions and limitations set out in this section.

6.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, we will advise only on Danish law.

6.3 Poul Schmith’s liability in damages to the client is limited to 10 times the fee for the relevant assignment, but not exceeding DKK 50 million. In addition, Poul Schmith is not liable in damages to any one client in excess of DKK 75 million for all claims raised by the client within the same calendar year or the calendar year immediately following.

6.4 The client shall indemnify Poul Schmith to the extent that liability to third parties is imposed on Poul Schmith which arises out of work performed for the client and which, together with any claims from the client, exceeds the limitations set out in clause 6.3, or for which Poul Schmith is not liable to the client.

6.5 Poul Schmith is not liable for any loss or damage caused by or directly or indirectly connected to a data security breach or any breakdowns or failures in Poul Schmith’s IT systems, or any operating losses, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of data, loss of goodwill and any other indirect loss or loss due to the financial breakdown of the account-holding bank.

6.6 Poul Schmith is not liable for other advisors to whom we have handed over part of the assignment as per agreement with the client or whom the client has engaged on our referral.

6.7 The client may raise claims against Poul Schmith only and not against any of our partners or other legal staff individually.

6.8 If the client is a business entity, any claims for damages by the client against Poul Schmith will become time-barred 12 months after the client becomes or should have become aware of the circumstances on which the claim is based, but not later than three years after Poul Schmith provided the advice on which the claim is based.

6.9 Poul Schmith has taken out liability insurance and issued a guarantee with Codan Forsikring A/S pursuant to the rules laid down by the Danish Bar and Law Society. The liability insurance covers all legal services, irrespective of the location of the legal services rendered.

7. Marketing

7.1 In our marketing, Poul Schmith may refer to having acted as attorney for the client in relation to the assignment if the assignment is in the public domain or if such reference is agreed with the client.

8. Complaints

8.1 Poul Schmith is subject to the monitoring and disciplinary system of the Danish Bar and Law Society and to the provisions of section 126 of the Danish Administration of Justice Act (retsplejeloven) and to the code of legal ethics. The provisions are available at the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society: www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

8.2 If the client is not satisfied with Poul Schmith’s advice or services regarding a given assignment or the fee, the client may at any time contact the partner in charge of the assignment or the partner in charge of the team that handled the assignment or Poul Schmith’s Managing Partner.

8.3 The client may also file a complaint concerning Poul Schmith’s advice or services regarding a given assignment or the fee with the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, DK-1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark, or by using the Board’s digital complaints portal at the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society: www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

9. Applicable law and venue

9.1 Any dispute between a client and Poul Schmith is subject to Danish law.

9.2 Disputes shall be brought before the competent Danish court pursuant to the Danish Administration of Justice Act (retsplejeloven).

Complaints regarding attorneys

The Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society
Kronprinsessegade 28
DK-1306 Copenhagen

Bank details

Danske Bank A/S
Vesterbrogade 10
DK-1620 Copenhagen

Jyske Bank A/S
Vesterbrogade 9
DK-1780 Copenhagen

Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
Vesterbrogade 8
DK-1620 Copenhagen

Nykredit Bank A/S
Tåstrup Hovedgade 50
DK-2630 Taastrup

Spar Nord Bank A/S
Regnbuepladsen 5
DK-1550 Copenhagen

Sydbank A/S
Kongens Nytorv 30
DK-1050 Copenhagen


Codan Forsikring
Gammel Kongevej 60
DK-1790 Copenhagen