Legal investigations

Irregularities in businesses and public authorities are sometimes best investigated by attorneys. A credible investigation can establish the course of events, helping the business get through a difficult situation.

Irregularities in businesses and public authorities are sometimes best investigated by attorneys. A credible investigation can establish the course of events, helping the business get through a difficult situation.

Businesses and public authorities suspecting fraud, favouritism or disloyalty often need legal assistance when irregularities are discovered. Has someone committed a criminal act, violated rules or breached ethical standards? It may be difficult for the business itself to conduct an impartial investigation of the irregularity. And the matters often prove far more complex on closer scrutiny.

Discreet investigations

Our attorneys are able to analyse a matter swiftly, discreetly and efficiently. We assess whether the situation should have any legal implications for the parties involved. Leveraging our insight and experience, we conduct our investigation to provide clear and informative answers to the pressing questions arising in an often very difficult situation. 

Extensive experience in comprehensive legal investigations

We investigates irregularities occurring in private and public businesses. We work thoroughly and objectively to ensure a high degree of credibility. Businesses are typically not able to achieve the same degree of credibility if they investigate themselves.

We have participated in the following investigations:

  • Personnel matters at the Technical and Environmental Administration of the City of Aarhus
  • Overspending at a department of Local Government Denmark (KL)
  • Administrative errors and matters concerning business fraud in the fisheries area
  • The Danish Health Authority’s report in a matter concerning a brain-injured psychiatrist and the Authority’s case processing in complaints proceedings
  • The Danish State’s potential liability in damages for the commissioning of the Digital Land Registration System (Den Digitale Tinglysning)
  • The process leading up to the approval of the disputed offshore wind farm Vesterhav Syd
  • Case processing at Labour Market Insurance (Arbejdsskadestyrelsen) (now Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring)
  • The University of Copenhagen’s fraud proceedings against the Danish neuroscientist, Milena Penkowa
  • The IT Factory case (fraud)

Let us guide you through the process

Contact us for a discussion of whether a legal investigation would be relevant in your case. We can provide a fixed-price quote, budget guarantee and a detailed time schedule. We will keep you up to date throughout the enquiry process. In addition to identifying and assessing the irregularities, we also make recommendations for the further process. Based on these recommendations, you will be able to address the matter without having to go through a long and cumbersome process.