Marianne Lage has more than 20 years of experience as an advisor on all important individual labour and employment law and industrial relations law subjects. She is the permanent advisor to a large number of public bodies and businesses and private businesses. In addition to being a specialist in public and individual employment law, Marianne has special expertise in industrial relations law. She has extensive experience in negotiating with employee representatives and organisations entitled to negotiate regarding all employment law matters, including renewals and conclusions of collective agreements, illegal work stoppage, pay negotiations, dismissals of protected employee representatives, conclusion and termination of local agreements on for example working hours and construction of agreements. Marianne assists a large number of private and public clients with general employment law advice, for example on reorganisations, disciplinary matters, discrimination, duty of good faith and fair dealing, the Danish Holiday Act, health and safety and working hours, etc. Marianne has litigated a large number of court cases in the labour law area before the Danish district courts and the Danish High Court as well as a very large number of cases before industrial arbitration tribunals, various dismissals tribunals and before the Danish Labour Court. Marianne is an active contributor to the development of Danish employment and labour law mainly through her work as a member of the board of directors of the Danish association for employment law attorneys, Ansættelsesadvokater. Marianne has taught courses for Djøf, JUC and Advokaternes HR, among others, for five years and she is currently teaching courses in "public employment law" and "the collective agreement system" at Advokaternes HR.
Marianne Lage
Partner, Attorney
Marianne Lage advises private and public businesses and authorities on industrial relations law and individual labour and employment law. Marianne is also very experienced in representing employers in litigation and before industrial arbitration tribunals and boards in these areas.
Marianne Lage advises private and public businesses and authorities on industrial relations law and individual labour and employment law. Marianne is also very experienced in representing employers in litigation and before industrial arbitration tribunals and boards in these areas.
Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen
Admission to practise law
Right of audience before the Danish High Court
Kroman Reumert Law Firm
Confederation of Danish Industry
Horten Law Firm