Construction of social housing

The social housing sector

We assist social housing organisations with construction projects, be it new constructions, conversions or renovation of existing buildings.

Our advice often covers the entire process from concept to completion. As an advisor to stakeholders in the construction of social housing for many years, we have a thorough understanding of the conditions and processes applying to the social housing sector, including the tenant participation process and the procedures of the Danish National Building Fund (Landsbyggefonden) and the municipalities.

We assist with customising specific solutions, depending on the type of construction project and the business partners to attract to the relevant project.

We have in-depth knowledge of the procurement law challenges arising in connection with the completion of construction projects in the social housing sector, including calls for tenders for professional services agreements, construction contracts and framework agreements.

We provide assistance with construction law matters, from the formation of contracts, advice during the construction to handling disputes. We also provide assistance in connection with more specialised projects with the participation of private project developers and collaborations between social housing organisations and municipalities as well as in connection with the restructuring of existing social housing organisations regarding for example amalgamations, divestments and conclusion of leases, including in respect of service areas.

Some examples of our assistance:

  • serving as a sounding board and providing advice at all project stages
  • project management/advice and optimisation of procedures/processes for the completion of projects
  • advice in connection with the drafting of transfer agreements and agreements on the sale of land
  • due diligence: legal review of the documents relating to the relevant property, including advice on planning and regulatory matters, houseowners' associations and owners' associations, environmental matters, rent and insurance matters, etc
  • advice on procurement processes and contracts, including drafting of tender specifications, framework agreements, construction contracts and professional services agreements, etc
  • advice on cadastral matters, including parcellation and transfers of areas, easements and covenants, etc
  • project cooperation agreements/partnering and public-private partnerships (PPP)
  • division into commonhold units
  • drafting the bylaws for owners' associations and houseowners' associations
  • drafting leases in connection with service areas and other letting
  • complaints in procurement matters
  • real estate defects
  • expert surveys and appraisals
  • mediation and conciliation
  • arbitration proceedings