
Public administration

The public sector is in the process of digitalising traditional case administration in self-service and case administration systems. When digitalising the administration, relevant legislation, general administrative law rules and personal data law requirements must be an integral part of the solutions. This is the conclusion drawn from the Danish Ombudsman's practice and the principles of privacy by design and default of the General Data Protection Regulation.

We translate administrative law and personal data law requirements into specific solutions. We make sure that the solution description and requirements comply with the law, which means that the development of the solution will also comply with the law.

We serve as a sounding board at all stages of the digitalisation process, before and during the call for tenders and in the development phase.

Standard requirements ensure fulfilment of requirements

We have developed a standard requirement package which, when adapted to the specific solution, ensures that the tender documents fulfil the administrative law and personal data law rules. When developing the standard requirements, we gained experience in breaking down the design requirements of the specific solution, and we assume co-responsibility for the implementation of the legal rules in the solution.

We have extensive experience in participating in IT development projects in collaboration with other experts and advisors.

Some examples of our assistance:

  • Checking statutory compliance at inception and validating the model or assistance in connection with the choice and development of the model
  • Assistance with ensuring that the standard requirements for the requirement specification, when adapted to the choice of solution, comply with the statutory requirements
  • Validating the solution flow and compliant breakdown of the requirements in for instance epics and user stories
  • Checking the legality of letters and communication
  • Legality analysis and checks, including by conducting tests
  • Validating that the system complies with the personal data rules