Coercive administrative measures

We assist public authorities in connection with judicial reviews of the lawfulness of administrative deprivation of liberty and other coercive measures taken against Danish citizens.

We assist public authorities in connection with judicial reviews of the lawfulness of administrative deprivation of liberty and other coercive measures taken against Danish citizens.

Administrative coercive measures cover a wide range of different cases, all of which have coercion exercised by authorities against citizens as a common feature. In addition to in-depth knowledge of the specific areas of the law and administrative law, these cases require a well-considered and thoughtful approach. We always represent the authorities in these cases.

  • Administrative deprivation of liberty: we represent the police in cases concerning coercive detention of citizens in connection with e.g. demonstrations, disturbances or soccer matches.
  • Decrees on dangerous behaviour: persons continually posing a serious danger to others may be detained in the maximum-security forensic psychiatric hospital (Sikringsanstalten) according to a decree on dangerous behaviour issued by the Danish Ministry of Justice. We represent the Ministry in cases concerning the subsequent mandatory judicial review.
  • Coercion in psychiatry: a citizen subjected to coercive commitment to hospital is entitled to have the lawfulness of the commitment order reviewed. In these cases, we represent the Danish regions.
  • Execution of sentence: we represent the Danish Prison and Probation Service in cases having their source in the execution of a sentence, for instance cases concerning leave or transfer from a minimum security facility to a maximum security facility.
  • Placement of children in care without consent: we represent the National Social Appeals Board and the State Administration in cases concerning forcible removal of children and young persons and other matters falling within Part 11 of the Danish Social Services Act.
  • We also conduct cases concerning forced adoption.
  • Placement of adults without consent: we conduct cases for the National Social Appeals Board regarding admission of a person to a special accommodation facility without consent under the rules of the Danish Social Services Act.