Inge Houe advises on and litigates cases about the law of tort and insurance law, particularly industrial injuries and patient harm. Inge also advises on and litigates cases about social security law and uses her knowledge in cases involving damages. Inge's clients include the Danish Social Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen), the Danish Agency for Patient Complaints (Ankenævnet for Patienterstatningen), municipalities, employers and owners of property, for example in connection with slipping accidents. The legal actions involve the cover provided by insurance schemes, basis of liability and statement of damages. Inge also represents the police in litigation about recourse. For a number of years Inge has been responsible for Poul Schmith's external newsletter Nyt om Erstatningsret and she is a part of our specialist social law team. She is the co-organiser of the network Forum for Forsikringsbranchen (a forum for the insurance industry) which currently has about 160 members and which focuses on networking and knowledge sharing between members. Inge is a member of the Danish Association for Tort and Insurance Law (Foreningen for Erstatnings- og Forsikringsret) (FEF) and the Danish Association of Litigation Attorneys (Foreningen af Procedureadvokater).
Inge Houe
Partner, Attorney
Inge Houe assists public authorities with matters relating to the law of damages and insurance law. Inge also assists public authorities with social security law matters.

Inge Houe assists public authorities with matters relating to the law of damages and insurance law. Inge also assists public authorities with social security law matters.
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen
Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten
Kromann Reumert Law Firm
The Danish Ombudsman