Insolvency and restructuring

Creditor representation

We provide assistance to public sector and private sector creditors with clarifying, protecting and optimising their creditor position if a debtor, borrower or trading partner gets into financial difficulty.

We provide assistance to public sector and private sector creditors with clarifying, protecting and optimising their creditor position if a debtor, borrower or trading partner gets into financial difficulty.

When a business gets into financial difficulty, the creditors and trading partners of the business have many questions. For instance, how they may best safeguard their interests in order to mitigate their financial losses as much as possible.

We look after the interests of creditors

Our insolvency specialists are among the leading and most experienced specialists in Denmark when it comes to advising creditors and representing their interests. Our specialists provide assistance to public sector and private sector creditors with clarifying, protecting and optimising their creditor position if a debtor, borrower or trading partner gets into financial difficulty. We help clarify the legal and factual matters necessary to decide whether and how our clients can avoid incurring financial losses.

Advice for creditors

When a business gets into financial difficulty, the creditors and trading partners of the business have many questions. We help our clients clarify their relationship with the business in distress. We begin by reviewing the course of events, the contractual basis and any security documents. We also help define and execute a strategy for handling the business in distress. Our services may include:

  • Negotiating and concluding agreements for extension of payment
  • Loan agreements
  • Security documents
  • Standstill agreements
  • Collection procedures against the business in distress
  • Acceptance of floating charges and other security
  • Filing of petition for bankruptcy
  • Levying of execution or attachment

    Our advisory services are always focused on how we may ensure the best possible outcome for our clients, taking into account the legal, financial and political framework governing the client’s situation.