Partner, Attorney

Jacob Pehrson

Jacob Pehrson's primary practice area is the area of insolvency and finance where he is an experienced litigator, especially legal actions concerning big bank claims. Jacob has therefore special expertise in fields of law such as guarantees, limitation of actions, interest, good practice of financial services companies, etc.

Jacob Pehrson's primary practice area is the area of insolvency and finance where he is an experienced litigator, especially legal actions concerning big bank claims. Jacob has therefore special expertise in fields of law such as guarantees, limitation of actions, interest, good practice of financial services companies, etc.

Jacob is also very experienced in collecting/recovering claims of public authorities such as property taxes and claims of utility companies owned by municipalities, and over the years he has therefore been in charge of a significant number of forced sales of real estate for public creditors, banks and mortgage-credit institutions. Jacob is a credit facilities expert, both in respect of consumers and traders, and he provides advice to professional creditors on the legal aspects of both individual loans and secured loans. Jacob is very experienced in credit agreement regulation, the marketing of credit agreements and the subsequent collection/recovery, which is why he also provides assistance to a large number of traders with their collection/recovery of outstanding balances. Finally, Jacob has several years of experience in bankruptcy proceedings and he is a trustee in bankruptcy appointed by the bankruptcy court and is a member of the panel of attorneys of the Danish Debt Collection Agency.


Partner, Poul Schmith

Junior Partner, Horten Law Firm

Horten Law Firm

Project management training, Promentum A/S

Right of audience before the Danish High Court

Delacour Law Firm

Master of Law, Aarhus University

Lecturer in the law of property and obligations, third year, BA in law, University of Aarhus