Data specialists and legal experts working closely together
At Poul Schmith, data specialists and lawyers work closely together in a flexible setup that makes data retrieval and the actual analysis work more efficient. We integrate our forensics services to provide legal assistance together with data handling, including proper securing and effective analysis of data, to clients.
This unique setup is an alternative to hiring both legal assistance and acquiring costly third-party solutions or using separate consulting services to handle data issues. This contributes to more efficient case management where time spent on coordination and reporting is minimised and time can instead be spent focusing on the core of the matter and dealing with the client's legal issues.
Moreover, the client only pays for the actual time spent by the data specialists and for the actual amount of data that have been secured and stored in advanced forensics technologies and solutions in the specific matter. In addition, the forensics specialist unit contributes to the development of digital tools (for instance various forms of AI) that can contribute to both improved efficiency and increased quality.