
In a world where data are becoming ever more important there is an increasing need to use specialist skills and advanced analytical tools as an integral part of a number of legal services. Practice areas that are particularly data-heavy are for example the administration of large bankruptcy estates, legal investigations, litigation and other disputes.

In a world where data are becoming ever more important there is an increasing need to use specialist skills and advanced analytical tools as an integral part of a number of legal services. Practice areas that are particularly data-heavy are for example the administration of large bankruptcy estates, legal investigations, litigation and other disputes.

Forensics specialists

Our forensics specialist unit consisting of data specialists with an educational background as civil engineers assists Poul Schmith's clients and lawyers in securing, storing and analysing data using advanced forensics software and established workflows.

Data protection and data analysis with forensics technology

In collaboration with our business associate, Data Discovery Lab, we have developed a platform that makes it possible to store and analyse large amounts of data in a way that both makes legal work much faster and more targeted while ensuring the audit trail that is crucial in for instance litigation and arbitration. Our specialist unit also independently develops small applications that are integrated on an ongoing basis into the platform exclusively for Poul Schmith's use.

With forensics, we can therefore help clients quickly focus on the data relevant to the matter while at the same time documenting and proving data integrity and chain-of-custody, for example in the creation of a document for evidence.

Data specialists and legal experts working closely together

At Poul Schmith, data specialists and lawyers work closely together in a flexible setup that makes data retrieval and the actual analysis work more efficient. We integrate our forensics services to provide legal assistance together with data handling, including proper securing and effective analysis of data, to clients.

This unique setup is an alternative to hiring both legal assistance and acquiring costly third-party solutions or using separate consulting services to handle data issues. This contributes to more efficient case management where time spent on coordination and reporting is minimised and time can instead be spent focusing on the core of the matter and dealing with the client's legal issues.

Moreover, the client only pays for the actual time spent by the data specialists and for the actual amount of data that have been secured and stored in advanced forensics technologies and solutions in the specific matter. In addition, the forensics specialist unit contributes to the development of digital tools (for instance various forms of AI) that can contribute to both improved efficiency and increased quality.

Contact our forensics specialists

With both strong legal skills and highly specialised knowledge of securing, storing and analysing data, we can help you meet your challenge. Contact our forensics specialists for an informal talk.