Attorney, Manager

Simon Lundgaard Boye

Simon Lundgaard Boye works as an attorney in our real estate and construction law team where he primarily advises on legal and arbitration proceedings and contracts relating to real estate.

Simon Lundgaard Boye at Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten

Simon Lundgaard Boye works as an attorney in our real estate and construction law team where he primarily advises on legal and arbitration proceedings and contracts relating to real estate.

Simon also provides general advice on business law matters, particularly in the areas of construction law and real estate. In particular, Simon is experienced in legal and arbitration proceedings in construction law, including especially disputes about additional works, delays and defects in real estate, etc. Simon's litigation experience also includes big and complex legal and arbitration proceedings including international legal proceedings as well as group actions concerning management liability. Furthermore, Simon assists clients with drafting contracts and agreements, including in particular in the area of real estate and construction law, and he has thorough knowledge of the rules applying to construction and construction activities as well as the Danish Act on Consumer Protection in connection with Acquisition of Real Estate.



Right of audience before the Danish High Court


PRINCE2® certified


Master of Law, Aarhus University


Student Instructor in tax law and capital gains taxation, Aalborg University


Bachelor of Law


Poul Schmith


Advodan Law Firm, Aalborg


Teaching Assistant in theoretical statistics, Aalborg University


Legal Advisor, Legal Aid


Student Teacher, AAU on Demand


BSc in business administration and commercial law


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