Attorney, Manager

Mads Mygind Bojsen

Mads Mygind Bojsen works as an attorney in our litigation group where he conducts a large number of court cases, particularly about the liability in damages of public bodies, social security law and health care law and general public administrative law. Mads provides assistance to both public and private clients in complex disputes and major groups of cases. Mads is also very experienced in advice, investigations and dispute resolution about Greenlandic matters.

Mads Mygind Bojsen works as an attorney in our litigation group where he conducts a large number of court cases, particularly about the liability in damages of public bodies, social security law and health care law and general public administrative law. Mads provides assistance to both public and private clients in complex disputes and major groups of cases. Mads is also very experienced in advice, investigations and dispute resolution about Greenlandic matters.

As part of our litigation group Mads has conducted a large number of court cases through the years before the Danish district and high courts about damages and compensation and in various public law areas. Mads's litigation experience covers cases involving authorities' liability in damages, occupation, immigration law, social security law and health care law as well as general public administrative law. Moreover, Mads provides advice in major groups of cases and complex disputes and provides assistance in that connection to both Danish and Greenlandic authorities. Mads also provides advice on legislative drafting and has contributed to the drafting of several bills, orders, etc. Mads is a member of the Danish Arbitration Association, Young Arbitrators Copenhagen and the Danish Association for Tort and Insurance Law (Foreningen for Erstatnings- og Forsikringsret) (FEF). Since 2016 Mads has also been an advisor to universities in the international litigation competition Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and is also a judge in the competition which is held in Vienna.



Certified arbitrator


Poul Schmith


Exchange student, University of Oslo


Trainee, Focus Advokater


Master of Law, University of Southern Denmark


Instructor, Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, University of Southern Denmark


Instructor, Legal Method, University of Southern Denmark


Instructor, International Private Law and International Trade Law, University of Southern Denmark


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