Per specialises in transfer pricing matters and assists and advises the Danish Ministry of Taxation and SKAT (the Danish Customs and Tax Administration) in this respect. Per has completed the tax law training offered jointly by the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the National Tax Tribunal.
Per Lunde Nielsen
Partner, Attorney
Per Lunde Nielsen engages in tax, VAT and duties. He advises the Danish Ministry of Taxation on a wide range of tax law matters and has extensive experience with the preparation and litigation of cases in this field before the Supreme Court, the High Courts, the City Courts and the National Tax Tribunal (Landsskatteretten).

Per Lunde Nielsen engages in tax, VAT and duties. He advises the Danish Ministry of Taxation on a wide range of tax law matters and has extensive experience with the preparation and litigation of cases in this field before the Supreme Court, the High Courts, the City Courts and the National Tax Tribunal (Landsskatteretten).
Tax law training offered jointly by the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the National Tax Tribunal (Landsskatteretten)
Master of Law, Aarhus University
Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten