Lasse safeguards the interests of creditors, administers bankruptcy estates and handles proceedings relating to collection/recovery, avoidance and bankruptcy-related disqualification. In that connection he has special experience in selling pledged/mortgaged assets, including complex sales processes and collection/recovery of large debtor portfolios. Lasse also provides general advice on business-related matters to private clients and businesses, for example in connection with drafting contracts/cooperation agreements or in connection with resolving business law disputes. Lasse is the recipient of the Gold Medal from Aarhus University (2017) and has a right of audience before the Danish High Court.
Lasse Søllingvraa Ibsen
Attorney, Senior Manager
Lasse Søllingvraa Ibsen works as an attorney in our financing and insolvency team where he primarily advises on insolvency law and other business-related matters.

Lasse Søllingvraa Ibsen works as an attorney in our financing and insolvency team where he primarily advises on insolvency law and other business-related matters.
Law student, Advokaterne Sankt Knuds Torv
Student Instructor in constitutional law, Aarhus University
Kromann Reumert Law Firm
Poul Schmith
The elite business law module, Aarhus University
Summer School, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Recipient of the Max Sørensen scholarship (gold medal), Aarhus University
Master of Law, Aarhus University