Kristian is the head of our infrastructure and energy team and specialises in tendering of infrastructure projects and he has assisted owners in some of the biggest construction projects in Denmark. Kristian assists the client throughout the entire project, from clarifying the needs and drafting, negotiating and concluding the contract to administering and perhaps amending the contract during the project (contract management in the board sense). Kristian is also very experienced in handling disputes, legal actions and arbitration proceedings and he conducts cases before the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (Klagenævnet for Udbud). Kristian is also very experienced in providing guidance to clients, both as a keynote speaker at conferences (Nohrcon, JUC, DJØF, etc) and in connection with tailored course programmes. Kristian's clients include Femern A/S, Danish Energy Agency, Danish State Railways (DSB), The Capital Region of Denmark, Banedanmark, Sund & Bælt Holding A/S, Danish Road Directorate and selected private suppliers and contractors.
Kristian Hartlev
Partner, Attorney
Kristian Hartlev advises on tendering of Danish and international professional services agreements and construction contracts. He assists contracting authorities (and tenderers) with tendering of various contracts, including infrastructure projects, concessions, large acquisitions, building and engineering and public transport procurement.
Kristian Hartlev advises on tendering of Danish and international professional services agreements and construction contracts. He assists contracting authorities (and tenderers) with tendering of various contracts, including infrastructure projects, concessions, large acquisitions, building and engineering and public transport procurement.
Master of law, University of Copenhagen
Poul Schmith
International rankings
" Kristian Hartlev is a trusted adviser when preparing and running public procurement procedures. His great experience and calm approach ensures the best decision is reached. Kristian has deep understanding and a high degree of business acumen, he is also extremely pleasant to work with. "
EU, Competition and Public Procurement 2022
"Kristian Hartlev is outstanding in providing holistic advice and guidance on public procurement and bridging any other relevant topic into the specific procurement at hand. Kristian provides a good, calm influence in every process which can be valuable in any procurement process."
2017: Kasper Mortensen, Rasmus Holm Hansen, Kristian Hartlev, Bo Schmidt Pedersen and Trine Overby Laursen: Construction and projects in Denmark: overview in Thomson Reuters Practical Law
2016: Kristian Hartlev, David Klæsøe-Lund and Christian Clausen: "Udbud med forhandling og konkurrencepræget dialog" (in translation: negotiated procedure and competitive dialogue), chapter 4, Aktuel Udbudsret II, Djøf Forlag 2016
2013: "Vejledning i udbud med forhandling" (in translation: guide to negotiated procedure) available at Udbudsportalen
2013: ”Udbud med forhandling - fra en praktisk synsvinkel” (in translation: the negotiated procedure - from a practical point of view) available at Udbudsportalen
2013: Changes to Existing Contracts under the EU Public Procurement Rules and the Drafting of Review Clauses to Avoid the Need for a New Tender, printed in P.P.L.R, issue 2
2011: "Ændringer af udbudte kontrakter" (in translation: amendments to contracts put up for tender), chapter 9, Aktuel Udbudsret, DJØF Forlag