Attorney, Director

Henriette Fabritius De Tengnagel

Henriette Fabritius de Tengnagel works as an attorney in our insolvency team where she primarily advises on insolvency law and other business law matters. Henriette also administers bankruptcy estates and her work includes collection/recovery of debt, handling avoidance proceedings, cases relating to management liability and professional liability of advisors, etc. Throughout her career, Henriette has been very engaged in litigation, and she gained experience in insolvency law and bankruptcy proceedings when working as an assistant judge at the courts of Denmark, including the insolvency division of the Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court. Henriette is also very experienced in providing advice on real estate and social housing which are areas that she has previously been engaged in both as an attorney as the head of a legal department.

Henriette Fabritius de Tengnagel works as an attorney in our insolvency team where she primarily advises on insolvency law and other business law matters. Henriette also administers bankruptcy estates and her work includes collection/recovery of debt, handling avoidance proceedings, cases relating to management liability and professional liability of advisors, etc. Throughout her career, Henriette has been very engaged in litigation, and she gained experience in insolvency law and bankruptcy proceedings when working as an assistant judge at the courts of Denmark, including the insolvency division of the Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court. Henriette is also very experienced in providing advice on real estate and social housing which are areas that she has previously been engaged in both as an attorney as the head of a legal department.



Poul Schmith


Housing Tribunal Judge, appointed by Boligselskabernes Landsorganisation


Right of audience before the Danish High Court


Attorney and Head of the Legal Department, Boligkontoret Danmark, Almen boligadministration


Advokathuset Nordsjælland


Assistant Judge, Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court


Assistant Judge, District Court of Holbæk


Admitted to the bar


Advokatkontoret Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine


Lecturer in the law of property and obligations and family law and the law of succession, first annual examination, and Complet A/S exam preparation training courses, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law


Master of Law, University of Copenhagen


Voluntary Advisor, Kunstnernes Retshjælp


Law student/academic supervisor, University of Copenhagen


Exchange student, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


Law student, Fabritius Tengnagel & Heine Law Firm


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