In particular, Christian provides advice in the area of defence and security, infrastructure projects and the healthcare sector where he has gained special expertise in ambulance tenders. Christian also often assists various cultural institutions with procurement and formation of contract. He also advises on general commercial law matters, including contract drafting and resolution of contract law disputes.
Christian Clausen
Partner, Attorney
Christian Clausen focuses on contract and procurement law where he advises public bodies on planning and execution of tender processes according to the EU and Danish procurement rules. Christian also assists public authorities with complaints before the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (Klagenævnet for Udbud).
Christian Clausen focuses on contract and procurement law where he advises public bodies on planning and execution of tender processes according to the EU and Danish procurement rules. Christian also assists public authorities with complaints before the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (Klagenævnet for Udbud).
Poul Schmith/Kammeradvokaten
In-house Counsel
Bech-Bruun Law Firm
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen
Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
The chapter on “Udbudsprocesret og aktindsigt” (in translation: Procurement procedure law and access to documents) in Steen Treumer’s (ed.): “Udbudsretten” (in translation: Public procurement law).
The chapter on “Aktindsigt og udbudsprocesret” (in translation: Access to documents and procurement procedure law) in Karsten Hagel-Sørensen’s (ed.): “Aktuel udbudsret II” (in translation: Current Public Procurement Law II).
The chapter on “Udbud med forhandling og konkurrencepræget dialog” (in translation: The competitive procedure with negotiation and the competitive dialogue) in Karsten Hagel-Sørensen’s (ed.): “Aktuel udbudsret II” (in translation: Current Public Procurement Law II).